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New Volunteer Training: Introduction to Child Welfare Law, Ethics of Representing Children
New Volunteer Training: Introduction to Child Welfare Law, Ethics of Representing Children Register Now! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtc-GspzIsE91YW4lewJ_X1Cy9C2zQ-tB_ This is an introduction to Tulsa Lawyers for Children and the representation of children in…
Lunch and Learn: Topic to be determined
Lunch and Learn: Topic to be determined Register Now! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsc--rpj4sE9LZYC-WkpzUVQSUP19FuUoJ We will update this information once we have determined the topic and presenter. Thank you! Register Now! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsc--rpj4sE9LZYC-WkpzUVQSUP19FuUoJ
New Volunteer Training: Introduction to Child Welfare Law, Ethics of Representing Children
New Volunteer Training: Introduction to Child Welfare Law, Ethics of Representing Children Register Now! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkde-vpj4iGtZdRziXMFJclg_pWtlG0ERC This is an introduction to Tulsa Lawyers for Children and the representation of children in…
5th Annual Juvenile Law Day CLE
5th Annual Juvenile Law Day CLE Save the Date for this day of Juvenile law specific CLE from the Tulsa County Bar Association Juvenile Law Section. TCBA members can attend…